Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Children Without Schedules

When we are out on our adventures and the trailer has been parked, set up, and arranged. The tensions and worries have melted away. There is no set schedule or long to do lists. Technology has been shelved. And I can actually take some time to see my children. Not just notice what they are doing, to make sure they aren't in harms way or destroying anything. But REALLY see them. I realize that children without schedules are amazing.

They giggle and run around. They sing and dance. Sticks become swords and rocks treasures. They explore and stop to smell the roses. They crouch down and watch the bugs. They create elaborate plots and act out complex scenes.  They wonder and delight at the world.

When they have endless time they aren't afraid to try new things. There are fewer tantrums and frustrations. They weave long winded tales and explanations. They ask insightful questions. They unfold into the brilliant, kind, wonderful beings that I'm always striving to raise them to be. In these moments I know I'm doing it right.

But it makes me wonder, why are these times so few and far between!? Why must we take them out into the middle of nowhere to create the perfect scenario from which they seem to thrive? Must we structure out all of their time through varies sports and activities? How is demanding so much from them allowing them to learn their capabilities?

We need to slow down and take it back to the basics. We need to allow kids to be kids. We need to foster their imaginations and allow them room to figure it out on their own. We need to provide patience and equally insightful answers. We need to sing and dance to their beat. We need to stop and smell the roses. We need to clear out our schedules and take the time to really see our children. I'm willing to bet, you really like what you see!!

1 comment:

  1. You are right! We need times like this more often. Care free times that allow the imagination to run wild.
