Thursday, May 5, 2016

Adventure on Wheels

I didn't grow up camping. My family's idea of roughing it was an air conditioned cabin where the beds were already made and you walked over to the lodge to eat the already prepared meals and the staff did the dishes. There were horses and a lake to swim in. But that's as close to nature as it got.

My Hubby's childhood is filled with camping memories. He remembers when they progressed from a tent to a pop-up camper. He can tell you about the bear who stole their doughnuts and how his dad took him fishing. He recounts these memories with fondness. Which is why he was super excited when I agreed to let him take me on my first camping experience, many moons ago. And I loved it! 

We took our oldest on many camping trips when he was a babe. It's was a lot of work, but the fun always won out in the end. We had our tent, our two dogs, and our little man, it was cozy. As our family grew so did our tents. Although with each kid came more work. And after the great rain debacle of early 2015, I put my foot down. Too much prep and too many littles, had sucked the joy right outta camping. I was done. Never to camp again. My parents are wise. Horses and lakes are enough. Cabins are nice. Not having to cook is brilliant. But, and this a huge BUT. Randy loves camping. He has wonderful memories and he wants to create more with our kids...wasn't enough to persuade me. 

His solution, the trailer. 

We talked and talked and talked. I agreed I loved the idea of camping. Kids outdoors, away from all the technology, just being kids. Weekends away. Quality time together. Adventures. Memories. 
I caved. 

We scoured the Internet and went to trailer/RV shows. The Hubby talked about what we needed and the features on the models we saw. Towing capabilities and weight limits. What we wanted vs what we needed. What we could afford. We found the one. 

This is the story of our 1st Adventure on Wheels.

We excitedly book a reservation at a near by State Park. Made our lists, checked them twice, packed up stuff, loaded up the kids and we were off! Still a lot of prep work. But it will get easier with each trip (at least that's what am told), because a perk of the trailer is that things can be stored on it during camping season. Spirits are only slightly dampened.

Half way to our destination we realize we forgot the pillows and milk. Have to turn the beast around and head back. This provokes mass complaints, grumblings, and confusion among the littles. I'm wishing we has brought some of that technology I was so anxious to leave behind. Get back on the road with pillows and milk, just in time for rush hour...flat out curse myself for being so anti-technology. Spirit level is still hanging at only slightly dampened, amazingly!

Reach the camp grounds. Hubby gets out, pays, and receives space assignment. Upon returning to the car I am asked where the dump station is located. Say what!?! I never been here or stayed long enough in a trailer to have witnessed the need for a dump station. How in the world would I know! Plus you're the one who just talked with the park people! Spirits darkening. 

By the power of God himself we manage to find the dump station. Totally kidding. It was located in a pretty obvious spot. Have to jump out of the car to figure out which side the hook ups are on. Jump back into the car, because I don't know what those hookups actually look like. Get pulled in. 
The Hubby looks across the car at me and says, "Now what do we do!?!" My jaw hits the floor. 
Sir, are you kidding me right now!?! This is your deal. You grow up going on trips in a camper, you did all research on what we needed. You talked with the people we bought this thing from. I was chasing kids. I have not the smallest clue as to what do we do!! Daggers shoot from my eyes. I pull out YouTube, Google, and the Owners Manuel. Research begins. Lucky for us, it isn't rocket science. We figure it out. Spirits are turning Hostile. It's also dinner time. 

Pass our camping spot, twice. Help to guide him in. Have to stand in the sweet spot. Out of the way so as not to get run over but where I can be seen. I need practice. Lots of yelling from the Hubby. 
Get everything leveled out, while trying to remember which cabinet holds what, and how do the beds fold down, and damn, a fuse is blown. Why didn't we think to get extra fuses? The fridge doesn't seem to be cooling down. Why didn't we pack the cooler? Speaking of cooler, where's all the frozen food!?! We forgot the frozen food!?! What does this do!? Holy-Moly, I'm starving. I still have to cook. Add what to the list? It is on the list, we still forgot it. WHY DID WE BUY THIS THING!?!

We got things set up and I managed to whip up a dinner of Mac n Cheese and Hot Dogs. Wasn't the intended meal, but it's sure one of the kiddos favorites. The sun went down and we brought the kiddos in to start winding down. I bent over by the screen door and startled a very large raccoon, who then in turn, took his most intimidating stance and scared me stupid. There was hissing, screaming and the flying of Tupperware. Kids were laughing and crowding around the door to see. The Hubby grabs a broom to defend my honor and takes off to battle the rabid creature. And that's when I realized. Adventures are being had. Memories are being made. 

The kids won't remember we didn't know what to do at the dumping station or that we forgot half of the food at home. They will remember that they collected sticks and learned to skip rocks. That we were there together. And that there was lots and lots of laughter. They will remember their Dad, bravely fighting off the Raccoon with nothing but a broom. 
I will look back and grin when I recount that we had to rely on YouTube. I will remember with fondness that my Hubby is the type of man who doesn't let the details stand in the way. I will love him forever for seeing the bigger picture and creating quality time for which to make memories. 


  1. ----and memories are being made.....that is the important part. Love ya!

  2. Love this!! I have very fond memories of camping growing up too! We had the pop up and I thought that was fancy compared to everyone in their tents. I am sure things went wrong, but I certainly don't remember anything but sun, hammocks, catching crawdads, finding buckeyes, swimming, campfires, s'mores and SO MUCH FUN! You are a great mom!! ⛺️��
