Friday, March 23, 2012

My 3 Yr Old On Pregnancy.

As many of you now know, we are finally pregnant with baby #2! It's been a fairly long haul with a few major bumps in the road, but now that it's happened, all the pain and tears somehow seem worth it!

Pregnancy is a very strange and wonderful thing and as a grown woman who has already gone through the process once, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it. I can only imagine how hard it is for a 3 yr old little boy to understand. I mean, geez, he barely understands the difference between boys and girls! But I thought I would share some of the conversations and comments that we have heard as he desperately tries to believe us when we tell him there is a baby growing in his Mommy's belly.

"Mommy, you have a baby in your belly. And I have a frog in mine."

As we are walking into the OBGYN's office Buggy blurts out, "Are we going to your doctor cause your boobies hurt?"

When asked if I'm going to have a girl or boy he always says "Mommy is going to have a gurl and I'm going to have a boy."

Whenever I mention to anyone that I'm tired he gets all annoyed and sighs "Gosh, you're
 hausted (exhausted) AGAIN!?!"

Buggy randomly will ask if I still have the baby in my belly and when I say "yes" he of course wants to know why. I tried to explain that it's going to take a very long time for the baby to grow. And that my belly was going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. To which he throws in "till it EXPLODES!"

I asked him if he was going to share his toys with the baby and he responds "No, I can't. He's locked in your belly!"

"Buggy, are you going to love the baby?" to which he smiles and says "Yes, I love every bodies!"


  1. That is precious. Glad you wrote some of those down. I enjoy your blog.

  2. Congrats Gale! Fantastic news! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
