Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Fun!

We have had a very busy few days...and I have to admit that I'm glad that Halloween has come and gone, we need some time to recoup!

We spent the weekend in San Antonio with our Texas family and I foolishly left my camera at home! We visited the Magic Time Machine, a very neat restaurant with a very fun atmosphere. They have characters such as Captain Jack Sparrow and Ace Ventura serving and the salad bar is an old car. The kiddos got their faces painted and the adults had a ball joking around with the staff who stayed true to their characters, no matter what we throw at them.

We also visited Six Flags, and I'm not sure who had more fun, me or Buggy! I just love riding on the roller coasters! Landon got to spend a lot of quality time with Paw-Paw (Corrinna's Dad) who very graciously offered to entertain him while we ran off to catch the next ride. He won Little Man a Bugs Bunny and I'm pretty sure he also won his heart, for he is still talking about his beloved Paw-Paw!

Monday, we went to Vivian's annual Halloween Party where there is always a Pinata, candy search, lots of littles in costumes, bounce houses, and cookies. We also always leave with more candy then a family of 10 could consume in a month!

His little hands are a blurr as he whacked at that pinata!

After the party it was off to Corrinna and Co's for some homemade pizza and Trick or Treating. They live in an amazing neighborhood where there are lots of kiddos running around with their bags full of candy and more houses have their porch lights on and are cheerfully handing out candy than not. We spent almost a full two hours making our way through the entire area and Landon never once slowed down. The older boys did an amazing job making sure he stayed right there with them and that he got to get to the front of the pack every time in order to be heard when yelling "Trick or Treat!" At one point Landon got so excited he went tearing up a driveway yelling and screaming "Give me CHOCOLATE!" I think he gets that from his Momma!

Halloween 2011 Trick or Treat Crew

My Little Red Power Ranger

One of our favorite friends joined us for the second half of the trick or treat adventure. She was absolutely adorable in her little tutu that bounced when she walked. I couldn't tell if they were more excited about the candy or getting to be with each other!?!

Their Little Halloween Date

Peyton gets into the pictures, Landon not so much.

Aren't they cute?
Over all our holiday was a huge success, even though Buggy partied so hard that he now has a runny nose and barely any voice. I think we'll just spend the day relaxing and watching movies!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Gale! Would have loved to be there this year taking photos. Peyton is really growing up! Look at those two together....very fun.

    And the Blue Man and the Green Man! So clever.
