Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Come to My Playroom GraNDma!

We love our annual "Poppie and Gigi Texas Weekend" and this year was great as usual. We ate, we shopped, we chatted, and overall just enjoyed each others company. I love the craziness that is our large family and it's always a blast to have everyone under one roof, but I also cherish these weekends when I don't have to share them. And can hog all of their attention and affection...well, whats left over after Buggy gets his of course!

I just love having family in the house!

And if that wasn't enough to make for a wonderful weekend, they have sweetened the deal. For the past three years they have brought one of our all time favorite people with them, she's a blessing and a wonderful guest (as in the best) to have in your home. The one, the only, Great Grandma Cammon. 

Buggy is just drawn to her. He wanted her to do everything with him. I just kept hearing this phrase ring out, "Come to my playroom, GraNDma." and without hesitation she would go. He would play and she would watch. They would throw a little conversation around and start the whole process over.

This is how they spent most of the weekend, just hanging out together.

I am so thankful for the time they get to spend together and for the love that receive from our entire family. We are truly blessed with some great people in our lives!


  1. I love these photos of Landon and Lois together. Perfect! Thanks for sharing them, Gale.

  2. We had a great time as always!!! Love to you all...Gigi
