Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Search is Over.

After weeks months YEARS of searching, I think I have finally found the one! I sort of stumbled into it on accident. Well, I guess accident isn't exactly the right word. Maybe it was fate? Or it could have just been meant to be...or maybe, just maybe some higher power chose it for us. However it happened, it happened and we have finally found a church!

"A church?" you say. "How hard can that be? Isn't there one on like every street corner down south?" Well, yes, there is. But let me tell you...Texans take their Sunday Services very seriously. I mean to the extreme!! They are either held in huge auditorium's with concert like seating and large TV screens so the nose bleed section can actually see the person conducting the sermon or they are like 3 hr long ordeals that just get weirder and weirder until people are on their knees bawling and screaming to be saved. I was a little scared that they were going to break out the kool-aid and want us all to take a drink .We have been to a few where they want you to stand for the full two hours of the Christian rock session that they are performing. Don't get me wrong, I like the contemporary music, but I can rock out on my own time. What we really need is a place that we can go for an hour or two, learn a little bit about the man upstairs, get Buggy into a Sunday school class, meet some new people, and get on with our day!

The story of how we found this particular church is really quite simple. We enrolled Buggy in their Pre-school. But that wasn't what really got me hooked. It was the people! I think that we would really find the fellowship that we have been seeking with this group.

I have been doing alot of volunteering for the Pre-school and it was only a matter of time before that time spent crossed paths with the church. Today was that day! While helping out with the church's extremely impressive pumpkin patch, I meant a few of the woman that helped to put it all together. I have also been recieving the Ministry Newsletter via email and found myself getting excited about all of the events that they hold. They have a Canjun Cook-off, Cookies and milk with Santa (which is also a photo op), and parent nights out once a month.  And those are just a few!

I did a little research and found that the service was only an hour long and that they had a great selection of classes for both us and our little man. This Sunday will be the ultimate test when we actually attend, but I have very high hopes that we have found a place to call our own!


  1. Hope so!!! You can have your own communication with God..but I think it's so great to have a friend basis as well...Fantastic!!!! Love Kate
