Thursday, October 13, 2011


Buggy got a special surprise from Grandma today, his very first "Motorcycle!" It's actually a small tricycle, but it does happen to be a Harley Davidson edition and when he saw it he got all excited and yelled "Motorcyle! For me?" So, sure! Why not? It can be a motorcyle.

We are having a little trouble learning how to use the pedals, but I have a feeling with some help from Daddy he'll get it figured out in no time. Daddy is a really great teacher!
But since he was at work today, he was stuck with Grandma and I. There was a lot of  "one foot then the other" "This foot that foot" "use your muscles to push" "Up down up down" Which resulted in Landon saying "My muscles not ready!" when his feet would fall off the pedals.

Grandma giving some direction and a helping hand.

Concentrating on pushing the pedals

And of course he had to "get tools" and "fic" the bike as well. I mean, he is a Jenkins and a boy. So I guess it's a given that he'd want to take a few good whacks with his hammer and tighten it with his screwdriver and Uh? Hmmm? I dunno. Do something with his drill. Maybe we'll just call it an air rachet instead of drill.

Work'en on his motorcyle...glimpse into the future?

It was quite the takes time to get your ride all suped up!
He was quite excited about all the work he put into it...."It fic'd!"

And please notice that Safety Comes First in this house. Not only does his "Motorcycle head" protect him while he's riding, he also uses it when he runs down the driveway and jumps from couch to couch. He kept reaching up to make sure that it hadn't fallen off.

Buggy with his "Motorcycle head" on

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