Let me start by saying that I forgot to charge the battery on my camera, so bummed out, so I only got a couple of pics with my phone. What's even more unfortunate is I have no idea how to load those onto this blog! So I guess we'll just have to reenact the 1st day again tomorrow so I can snap some shots, and I will post them later. Other than that the 1st day of pre-school was a HUGE success!
Buggy "woked-up" on Tuesday morning just a charged and ready to go as ever. He kept asking if it was time to go to school as he padded his way across my room and climbed into bed. He then asked again as I was getting him dressed, and yet again as we ate breakfast. Of course by the time we got around to loading up his backpack, lunch bag, and sleep mat he had totally lost interest and got mad at me for not letting him play cars and watch "power pangers."
We have spent weeks talking about all the new friends he would make, games he would play, how nice his teachers would be, and how he would be able to show the other children how he uses the big boy potty at school. I explained that he would get to carry his very own backpack and showed him how comfy his new sleep mat is. And of course I got him a matching backpack, lunch bag, and sleep mat. They are all navy blue with white sharks and orange fishes. How else would he remember which things belong to him? Anyways, I guess you could say that we were prepared and as we pulled out of the drive way, Landon exclaims, "Bye house! I'm going to school to go potty with my friends!" REALLY!?! That's what he took from the weeks of school campaigning we had going on! And even better, that's what he walked away with and was still super excited to make it happen! God, I love that kid.
When we arrived he marched right into the classroom immediately found the fire-truck and cars and made himself comfortable. As I walked out he said goodbye without even giving me a second glance, can't believe I was so easily replaced by toy cars! Who am I kidding!?! I can totally believe I was replaced by toy cars!
When I arrived to pick him up Miss Michelle met me in hall and with an excited "Landon is such a happy little boy." That's my Buggy! Just a little ray of sunshine all the time...seriously, it's pretty amazing. His daily report sheet was mark with a "Great 1st day!" And his mood was circled as Happy, Chatty, Playful, and Cooperative. We are very excited for what looks like is going to be a great school year. And please check back for 1st day photos...I hear that Thursday is really the official 1st day anyhow, unless I forget my camera and then it switches to next Tuesday ; )
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