Friday, June 10, 2011

STL Bound

We are just days away from our week long vaca to St. Louis and I'm so excited that I have had our bags packed since Wednesday. Buggy has been talking about Gigi and Poppie and all their toys. He hasn't even swam in their pool or been able to play on the swing set, so he is really in for a surprise when we get there! He has no idea how fun they house is going to be with the addition of two of his favorite things...Swings and Water. Plus, that's where Uncle Jeff is temporarily living. So that takes the fun factor up 10 notches alone!

G'ma and I are going to take him on a field trip to the Magic House on Monday. Ahhh, the Magic House. Can't wait to see if it's anything like I remember. I have such fond memories of that place. The metal ball that makes your hair stand on end, the wall that turned your body to rainbows, mazes, activities, and the huge slide at the end. We are not only going to let the little one explore but we are planning my Mom's wedding which will be held there in Sept. Three Cheers for a little grown up conversation! And Wedding Planning, creative juices just-a-flowing that result in a big party...heaven!

We have a few play and lunch dates penciled in to meet up with old friends and for Buggy to make some new ones. Lots of time just lounging and visiting with family. And of course like any good get-away from home lots of yummy delicious eats!

Uncle Jay and the rest of the siblings will be taking him to his 1st Cardinals game on Friday, well the 1st one since he was teeny-tiny anyway. That's an experience that we all are sure to remember, plus everyone in their Cardinals gear...can you say photo opportunity!

Aunt Betsy will be in town for the weekend which always leads to silly conversations and tons of giggles, you know the ones that can only be had with your best friend or sister...or in this case with someone who is both! We will also be graced with a visit from Great Grandma Cammon our Angel sent from up above. Those few hours are guaranteed to be the highlight of our visit home! But also thrown into the weekend, and definitely mention worthy, Sunday is our 1st Anniversary and Father's day. And we will be celebrating in the same spot that we tied the knot.

It's going to be a fun filled week, were memories will be formed and many photos will be taken. Were family gets to come together and just enjoy each others company. And I will be found smack dab in the middle of it all, just soaking up the love!!

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