Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bestest Time with Uncle Jeffrey

Landon's Uncle Jeff, my younger brother, came to visit us over the weekend. Landon took to him like white on rice! From the moment we picked him up from the airport (which by the way Buggy is totally obsessed with airports and airplanes but that's a whole other blog topic!) Landon was "Jeff" this and "Jeff " that. He wanted Uncle Jeff to do everything with him and he would sit and talk to him about anything. I was amazed at how much of his vocabulary that his Uncle understood. He can interpret Buggy better than his own Dad, and if he couldn't he did a great job pretending like he could! He claims that him and Little Man are on the same wave length that's why they have so much to discuss.
Jeff came in town for the Tough Mudder run in Austin which he ran with Randy and few other friends and while they were gone for the day on Saturday, even though he was playing with his good bud Ms. Lily, he was equally concerned that his Dad and Uncle weren't around to play with him. And he has been asking "where Jeff" every few minutes since we dropped him at the airport on Sunday evening. Jeffrey Cammon you have a new fan!
Now I'm off to start getting ready for the Big 2nd Birthday Party that we are throwing this Saturday. I can't even believe that my Baby Boy is growing so quickly!

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