Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Ta-Dos of Ms. Cami J.

Ms. Cami is officially 17 weeks old. And yes, I had to just pull up a calendar to figure that out. To be completely honest, I had lost track of how many weeks she is. I've just been telling everyone that she is 3 months. Which isn't even correct. In all actuality she is much closer to 4. But anyway, she is getting older and somewhat bigger (still hasn't broken 10 lbs), and I thought she deserved some documentation of her ta-dos.

She is wearing size 3 mos in Carters and 0-3 mos in everything else. The only reason I feel that is worth sharing is because it is a question that I am constantly asked. Which leads me to believe it is News worthy.

Has finally decided that the car isn't a torture device. And will actually ride around and talk to herself or take a little snooze.

Is a drooling machine! I don't remember Landon ever drooling this much...

Loves to chew on her hands. Which leaves her sleeves and front of her clothing soaking wet from all the drool.

Yum. Hands.

Also, loves to chew on Pacifiers if you are willing to hold it in place for her. Won't suck on the darn things, but will happily chew.

Bottles still make her angrier than a bear with a sore head.

Has a dimple on her right cheek when she smiles.

Look carefully at her right cheek. Yup, that's her dimple!

Loves, Loves, Loves kisses and cuddles. Kisses always receive smiles and coos. She will also lean towards you with her mouth open, which I like to believe is her way of kissing back. Although, she's probably just trying to eat my face.

Her favorite toys are the Winkel and her Sophie.

The Winkel
Her Sophie
Can roll from both her front to back and back to front. And does so with wild abandonment.

Giggles every single time I whisper sweet nothings into her ears.

Has lots to say. Especially when she has an audience.

Her favorite noise use to be this cute little "OOOOh" and "eeeewwww" sound. Which was accompanied by an adorable facial expression. Now it's this slurp-y sloppy sound. That is created by sucking in her bottom lip...not my favorite.

She has been congested over half of her life at this point. When this junk finally clears up, i's going to be like a whole new world for her!

So far she is taking to sleeping in her crib in stride. Granted its only been two days. But so far it hasn't seemed to be an issue for her.

Bath time has gotten better. It's now tolerated instead of fought.


1 comment:

  1. Goodness gracious she is so cute! I hear ya about the drool. Unfortunately I think it gets worse as they get a bit older. Mac is still a drooling machine! We have to change his clothes a couple times a day b/c there's SO.MUCH.DROOL!
