Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Times They Are A Changing.

In my last (sleep deprived) post I stated that the 1st three months with a new baby stinks. And that still holds true. I'm not here to back pedal, but instead to let you know that times they are a changing!

We are just days away from the 3 month mark and life has suddenly, and I mean like almost overnight, gotten easier.

We are now getting one 4-6 hr stretch of sleep at night. Then it's up every two hours after that. But feedings are quick and then she's right back to Z-Town. And I'm beginning to be able to form complete thoughts...although they still aren't always coherent!

She spends a crazy amount of time awake during the day. I thought babies were suppose to sleep a lot. No doubt she is awake more than she sleeps. But she can now self entertain for decent periods of time, very helpful! Favorite activities include her play mat, swing, kicking and arm flailing, watching the lights and ceiling fans, hand sucking, and her bouncy seat with the monkey. She has a major crush on the monkey and will smile and coo at it for 25 minutes. Shoot, I have a crush on the monkey. That monkey allows me to get a shower on a much more acceptable schedule. Society and my hubby thank you too, Mr. Monkey.

I can now distinguish her cries. There is a cry for when she is hungry, one for when she's tired, and one for when she's gotten bored. Then there is the full blown wail that is usually reserved for gas or car rides.

Speaking of car rides, we are down to screaming in the car only about 45% of the time. While it's not perfect, I will definitely take it over the 100% that we were previously banking. It's now a gamble on which leg of the trip will be spent in blissful mind numbing silence or radio cranked sing alongs. Where I'm trying to block out the cries and pretend that my nerves are getting more and more grated on with each minute and mile that passes. Ok, I still hate car rides. I got anxious just typing that paragraph.

She still won't take a paci or a bottle. And it has not been for a lack of trying on our part! I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel but I'm beginning to think that she might not ever take either. Although, she has found her hands and spends much of the day sucking on them. So really she's found her own way to sooth herself which isn't so bad, for now. Don't know what I'm going to do in later years if the habit continues...can't take away a hand or finger. Ugh. I'll worry about that later...

Then there's the smiles and the cooing. I just can't get enough! I spend most of my day doing everything within my power to get another smile or sweet little sound for my adorable girl. She must think I'm totally bonkers. But her smile is contagious and her eyes just beam every time her face cracks into one of those gummy grins. And her coos, oh the coos. It's a whole body effort. She has to kick her legs, move her arms, and bounce her head in order to get those amazing little noises out. It's adorable! She isn't nearly as vocal as her brother was at this age, but that just makes me cherish every little one that much more!

So life is getting more manageable and parenting is beginning to be fun again. And by typing that, I've probably jinxed the rest of my day!

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