Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The 1st Three Months.

Now, I'm probably going to ruffle some feathers with this statement and please know that is not my intention. I'm just being honest. So, here it goes...The 1st three months with a baby (for the most part) SUCK! There I said it. And I'm willing to bet all of you that have had children are nodding in agreement, even if you would never say it aloud!

They are small and awkward to hold on to, especially when wet.And they want to be held ALL the time. Which isn't really the problem if they would allow you to sit and hold them. But no, most of them want to be held and walked around while being bounced and having you balance the pacifier in their mouth. Which makes for a quick sore back and arms for the carrier. When you have reached the most uncomfortable position you can possibly be in they finally settle down. And then you're too scared to move in case you are to, god forbid, upset them again!

Their only real effective form of communication is crying. Which isn't very effective at all, since you never really know what's wrong with them. You just start going through and checking off the possibilities until you finally hit gold and the crying stops. And seriously, that newborn cry is horrid. It immediately causes a tightening in your chest. It resembles nothing of the older child's cry. It is it's own special panic inducing noise that must be stopped as quickly as possible! And if it goes on long enough you can sometimes find yourself crying right along with them.

They have no schedule and could care less about yours.  It makes it nearly impossible to make plans or get anywhere on time. You know what, forget that. If you get to leave the house you're doing good. Cause most days it's just a challenge to get a short shower or even a quick full meal in.

They have to eat all the time and have a real knack for knowing when you are late, have just prepared some food for yourself, or have some other really pressing issue. And that's when they decide they have to eat right this very second. If you are BF than you are the main or only source of food and the challenge of care gets taken up a notch, be prepared to bring your A game!

Sleep is nonexistent. So there isn't much to say about that, except...I would sure like to get some!!

Please don't misunderstand me. I LOVE my baby girl!! This stage is very short lived, I know that and we just have to get through it. Plus it will get easier. But I do wish she wouldn't cry in the car. And that she would take a bottle so someone else could feed her. It wouldn't hurt if she would take a Paci too...come on, those aren't unrealistic expectations for this age! It would sure make life easier. Guess it's a good thing that she is so darn cute!




1 comment:

  1. AMEN. Dude, it's SO hard. The first 6 weeks nearly killed me. I wasn't sure if I'd ever recover or ever want another child. However, 6 months is amazing. Now I want like 10 more kids! :) Hang in there!
