Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Empty Sink.

I woke up this morning to an empty sink. And suddenly everything was right in my world.
I know what you are thinking, "How in does an empty sink equate to inner peace!?!" Well, let me explain.

The sink was not empty last night. I had stood over those dishes and decided that sleep was more important...sleep is rarely more important to me than having the dishes done before I head upstairs for the night. Like it almost never happens.

I hate dishes from the night before. I truly despise them. They literally effect my mood. To me, waking up, walking downstairs and immediately being greeted by a sink full of nastiness makes my mood dark. Is this something I need to work on letting go of? Yes, I could probably benefit from that. But let's stick to the point I'm trying to make here.

This morning I had anticipated the nastiness and the mood, but the sink was empty. 
My wonderful hubby had also anticipated the mood and had taken the extra 10 minutes (which he probably didn't really have) to do the dishes for me.

It's the little things.

Every relationship is a sum of the little things. What you put in vs what you take out. We need to remember that. We need to learn to do the little things for others. But equally important is learning to recognize when a little something as been done for you. We can not take these things for granted or allow them to go unappreciated. We need to look for and celebrate in the little things. They are the foundation that relationships are built on. Grand gestures are fun, but feel empty and fall flat if the little things aren't being done on the daily.

So yea, that empty sink made my world complete this morning. I was able to start my day on the right foot. I felt loved and noticed. And I, in turn, was able to send a text of gratitude to help make his morning a little sweeter.

Hubby, I heart you so hard! Thank you for getting me
