We are two and half days away from Summer Break in my household and I'm thinking all things SUMMER! Swimming, camping, grilling, being outside, bonfires, and late evenings on the porch. Gosh, I sure do love the lazy days of Summer!! But then I start thinking (cause I'm practical, like that), sun burn, bug spray, bug bites, burns, and poison ivy. As many of you know, a few years ago, I made a change for my family to go chemical free whenever possible, and plunged head
first into the world of Young Living Essential Oils. These oils are so versatile and absolutely amazing. They are a part of our daily routine, from allergies to sleep, germs to skin care. And with summer approaching fast, it was time to check my stash and make sure I have my Summer Sixteen on hand, need to get that Essential Rewards Order summer ready!
1. LavaDerm Cooling Mist (#3249| 13.75PV) While, unfortunately, this on is currently OOS, you are going to want grab you some as soon as it comes back. This spray is a MUST for sun burned skin. While I'm a spaz about sun screen, sun burns do still occasionally happen in this family, thanks to our super fair complexions, and this spray is so soothing. Takes away the sting and keeps our skin from peeling. Even my hubby asks for this one when his skin gets scorched. Also great to cool you down on those warm summer days, a few sprays on the back of your neck and face, refreshing!! Smells heavenly too!
2. Lemon (#3578| 11.25PV) Help stay hydrated with a drop or two in your water. You can diffuse the allergy trio, Lemon, Lavender, and peppermint on the days the grass has been just been cut and the head gets a little stuffy. Also makes a great stain remover for those extra stains that kiddos acquire while playing hard. SUPER STAIN REMOVER: 1 part Dr. Bonner's Castile Soap, 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide, 1-2 drops Lemon. Mix together and spray or pour onto stain.
3. Lavender (#3575| 23.50PV) This is one that I always have on hand. What can't this oil do? Soothes sun kissed skin, cuts, burns, and bruises. A cheek swipe for allergy congestion. If you can't get any LavaDerm, you can make this great AFTER SUN GOO: Mix 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup Aloe Vera gel, 2 TBSP Witch Hazel, 20 drops Lavender, 20 Drops marjoram (if you got it) and 5 drops Peppermint. Can store in fridge for extra cooling sensation, but not necessary.
4. Peppermint (#3614| 21.50PV) This is one that goes everywhere with me. It has so many great uses. A few big whiffs straight from the bottle for an energy boost...got to keep up with my kiddos. A drop or two on the back of the neck for a instant cool me down, and a drop in water for heartburn from all the yummy summer BBQ.
5. Purification (#3399| 18.75PV) This oil is amazing for all things stinky. Forget to take those wet towels and swim suits out of the bag you used to lug them home from the pool? Please tell me it's not only me who does this!! Wash them, and then add a few drops of purification onto a wet wash cloth and throw it into the dryer with them. Get rid of that mild dew smell. Stinky sneakers, shove a cotton ball with purification in there and let sit overnight. Purification is also great on bug bites. Stops the itch.
6. Thieves (#3423| 33.75PV) Cause germs don't take summers off. I also use it in our homemade, Deet free bug spray.
7. Citronella (#3085| 19.50PV) Put a drop on diffuser jewelry to keep the mosquitoes away. A simple leather bracelet works great for kiddos.
BUG SPRAY: 4-7 make a super powerful chemical free bug spray. 10 drops of each in a spray bottle and fill the rest with Witch Hazel. Spray as needed. Smells nice too!
8. Kidscents Owie (#5308| 30.75PV) Skinned knees increase with the wearing of shorts, so this stays stocked in the diaper bag. My kiddos insist on a kiss and then their "boo-boo" oil. Stops the tears and I like knowing it helps against infection and that it's already diluted for their little bodies. Plus, it works great on this clumsy Momma's boo-boos too!
9. Lime (#3074| 12.25PV) Kick up those Margarita and Guacamole recipes. Also makes the most delicious smelling diffuser blends. Peppermint and lime diffuses regularly in this house, and screams Summer Time!
10. DiGize (#3324| 32.75PV) All those summer time get-togethers and BBQs, means extra treats and over indulgence. Digize to the rescue, works quickly in a capsule or rubbed counter clockwise on the belly. Taking a boat ride or road trip? DiGize is great for motion sickness as well.
11. Sandalwood Moisture Cream (#5148| 61.25PV) Get those feet sandal ready!! While this cream is meant for your face, and I apply it daily to keep my face looking fresh, it works miracles on those dry out, winterized feet. Put some on your feet, cover with a pair of socks and let them soak it up while you sleep!
12. Mirah Shave Oil (#5156| 22.75PV) Shorts and bathing suits weather means that I actually have to shave!! But if I got to do it, at least this wonderful stuff makes it worth it! Less nicks and cuts, fewer bumps and razor burn. Plus I can skip the step of adding lotion after the shower and it smells like you're at the spa!
13. Tea Tree (#3587| 26.00PV) For when you do still get those bumps from shaving or pesky ingrown hair in your sensitive areas, this oil works like a charm!! It also dries out Poison Ivy. POISON IVY TONIC: 2 TBSP Water, 2 TBSP Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tsp sea salt, 3 drops Tea Tree, 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Lavender. Mix in a bowl or bottle and apply with a cotton square several times a day. Shake or stir before each application
14. Frankincense (#3548| 73.50PV) This oil is plain out amazing. It's one everyone should have on hand. It's wonderful healing abilities are a must for skin and over all health. I put a drop under my tongue every morning to stay healthy and it's in all my homemade lotions and serums. It also has a divine earthy aroma which provides mood boosting and grounding effects. Who doesn't need that with kids home all summer long!?!
ALL PURPOSE HEALING STICK: 10 drops lavender, 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Tea Tree. Put in a 10 ml Roller Bottle and top off with alcohol free Witch Hazel. I use this before bed on all those bumps, scrapes, bites, and bruises.
15. Cool Azul Sports Gel (#5436| 39.75PV) This gel is great to apply to aching muscles on the long days of hiking, bike rising, swimming and running around in the sun. During summer we are on the move!
16. Orange (#3602| 10.75PV) A drop makes those late evening patio beers that much more enjoyable! Also, makes amazing summer time diffuser blends. Joy and Orange in the diffuser brings the sunshine indoors. Patchouli, Ylang-Ylang, and Orange make a light summertime perfume.
Gale Jenkins Young Living Member #1597647
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