Saturday, August 13, 2011

Let The Good Times Roll.

Buggy and I just arrived home from a wonderful week of getting spoiled rotten in St. Louis. I mean, really truly spoiled... He got new sandals, a bag full of cars, a ton of fun band-aids, a t-shirt, a stuffed whale, a new transformer. I got some new shirts, a few dinners with other adults, some Nike running shorts, got to see a movie, a couple of nights out while others babysat, got a pedicure, and some extra hands to help with the everyday ins and outs of raising a two year old....grandparents are the best!

AND those are just the material things, we also got a week full of love from Brothers, Sisters, Moms and Dads, Aunts and Uncles, Poppy and Gigi, Grandma and Papa, Cousin, and Friends. Oh, and of course, Landon's new best friend Puppy (Aunt Betsy's pup Riley).

There was just so much to do and see and of course both sets of Grandparents have a new stock of toys which keeps Little Man thoroughly entertained. He got to sleep on his new Cars air mattress over at Grandma and Papa's house, he thought it was just the coolest thing going and I got to enjoy a bed all to myself. He had a great time locking him and his toys into the dog create over there as well. They took him to the neighborhood pool, out to chick-fil-a, and let him and the puppy wear each other out. When asked if the puppy was his friend he replied "Yes, I love her."

He got to see Parker, his cousin, over at Poppy and Gigi's. They spent a lot of time hugging, expressing their cousinly love "I love you." "I love YOU." "I love YYOOUUU." and fighting over toys. He got to make a trip to the Zoo and to see the movie Smurfs. He went swimming in their pool everyday. It was at their house that he started swimming with his face in the water, and would want to climb onto his "Giraffe" which the rest of us call a "raft",  to jump into the water.

And then there are the Aunts and Uncles. I don't think there are enough words to describe the love that Buggy has for them. He talks about them constantly and wants to know where each and everyone is and more importantly why aren't they here to play with him!?! When they are around I am chopped liver, who cares about Momma when Uncle Jeff can throw me in the air, or Aunt Betsy can play Cars, or Uncle Jay can sit next to me at dinner, or Aunt Kasey will take me to explore. They are his favorite playmates and I'm so blessed to have them as siblings.

I drug my camera all the way to St Louis and only brought it out once, so here are just a few pics from Landon's day with Parker.

These boys love their TV time

With Their Poppy
Aren't they adorable!?!


  1. Good work.....loved the recap! Thanks, Baby!

  2. once again no pictures of me and nugget... we fail at this... haha love you guys! and tell Landon that Puppy misses him! (i do too!)
    -Aunt Betsy

  3. We had a blast with you guys too!!! Love you and can't wait for our next visit!! Love Poppy and Gigi
