Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Shh! Do you hear that?

Shh! Do you hear that? Well, I do. ALL DAY LONG...and it sounds like this "What that noise?"  "Momma. What that noise?"  "Uhh! What that noise?"  "Hey. What that noise?"  "Ohhh! What that noise?"  "What that NOISSSEEEE?"

And being the loving and devoted Momma that I am, I really try my best to explain to him what each and every noise is. There is one problem though...I don't always know exactly what noise he's talking about. So, I could be telling this poor child that the bird chirping outside is the ice machine making ice, that the rumble of a lawn mower is the phone ringing, or that buzz of a clothes dryer at the end of it's cycle is the air conditioner kicking on.

That might just be the very reason why so many of my answers are responded with his little face scrunching up and a long confused "Whaaattt!?!"

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