Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Preschool. Already?

To preschool or not to preschool has been the ever looming question around this house. And for many of you Facebookers, you already know the answer. But I'm going to let you in on how we came to the conclusion.

I guess we have always assumed that we would put Landon into a preschool program, we believe that socialization and building a love for learning are very important for a child. But I also pictured him to be school ready around the 3-3 1/2 yr mark. I don't really know why I had that age in mind, maybe that's what I heard someone say or I might have read that in the handbook on How To Raise Your Child that we all receive from up above when they are born. What!?! You didn't get a copy. Well, neither did I, but I hear about all the information within from the mommas who know exactly what they are doing. Us, we just fly by the seat of our pants. We smoother our child in love, encouragement, and praise, while hoping that we made the right decisions. Although I'm pretty confident we did on this one.

Once we listed it all out, there were many reasons that Buggy would benefit from starting preschool at 2 1/2 and only a few to wait till he is older.

Reasons to start:

1) Landon thrives on the energy that only a room full of toddlers can produce. Like most children he is drawn to it and it brings out the best in him.

2) It offers a more structured play with reading, art projects, and music than I can give him at home. Please don't misunderstand. I provide all those things as well, but Buggy tends to listen better and works harder to please anyone other than me.

3) The school's goal is to instill a life long love of learning, who can argue with that!

4) At this age they are like little sponges and I want him to absorb as much information and as many experiences has he can.

5) His vocabulary is incredible, he's extremely observant, and his curiosity amazing. And I, the Momma, don't have a teaching degree or the experience to really know how to tap into those things so that they continue to grow.

Reasons to wait:

1) I just got the opportunity to stay home with him and am not quite ready to give him up for 2 days a week.

2) His pre-preschool, aka Nini, is wonderful . She loves him and he her. I don't want him to lose his relationship and time he spends with her.

3) Preschool isn't free and not exactly cheap either

4) The handbook says that they should start at 3.

Whatcha think? Did we make the right decision?

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