Monday, August 9, 2010

Potty Training!?!

A few weeks ago we purchased Little Man a little potty to keep in his bathroom. We are realistic parents and don't expect him to be ready to use it yet. We just want to have it around so that he gets used to it.
He loves his little potty. He will run over to it, left the lid and sit down. When he stands up, he closes the lid and flushes the play handle. He is very proud that he seems to know what it's for...sitting, of course ; )
Anyway, last night when I was getting him ready for his bath, he started peeing in the little plastic basket I keep by the tub for his shampoo and such. Since he can make his little stream start and stop on command, I thought what the heck...and placed him on the potty. By the time I got him there he only had a little drop left but he left me another present! I was not expecting this, but I made a big deal out of it anyway. Clapping, dancing, singing and showing him lots and lots of praise for using his 'big boy' potty.
Landon had a much different reaction: "EWWWW!" He kept repeating "EWWW" and pointing at the little poop he had left behind. He was just so upset that something he considered to be gross was now in his new favorite toy! I was trying so hard not to laugh while explaining that this was a good thing.
I showed him how we dumped it in the big toilet and flushed it down. Then how we wash it out and it's good as new. I'm still not sure he was convinced!!
I think we should hold off for awhile...but it's going to be a long road ; )

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