Friday, June 26, 2009

Little Mr. Independent

Bubba is just shy of 5 months and is already convinced he can do everything on his own.
When eating his rice cereal mixed with veggies (Yes! We have started adding veggies!), he can get pretty darn frustrated if you don't let him control the spoon. Of course, he isn't very good at getting the food into his mouth, so a battle for control ensues. But don't worry, Daddy and Mommy are bigger, and we always win! Don't feel bad for the little fella, though; we let him play with the spoon when he's finished eating.
He is also trying to sit up all by himself, but usually ends up on his face because he gets all excited and overly crunches those little tummy muscles. So, even when we have placed him in the sitting position, he thinks he needs to crunch his tummy, and goes toppling over. It's pretty funny to watch.
Next thing you know, he'll be taking over the world!

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